Effective Defense Against Federal Criminal Charges
Defending your rights and your future against serious federal criminal charges can be a challenging and confusing task. When facing such serious charges, the assistance of an experienced criminal defense lawyer can be a vital tool in your search for favorable resolutions.
At Thomas J. Hammond, PC, our firm offers criminal defense representation to clients facing federal criminal charges in the Denver, Colorado, area. With your best interests always in mind, our staff works diligently to prove your innocence in court, or negotiate an acceptable plea agreement that limits the damage to your freedom, your future, and reputation.
To schedule a free 30 minute consultation to discuss your specific federal criminal charges, contact our office online or call 303-872-5706 or toll free 866-696-7311.
Addressing Various Federal Crimes
At Thomas J. Hammond, PC, we have the knowledge and experience to offer a vigorous defense against various federal charges, including:
With experience trying cases before federal courts, our firm is confident in our abilities to provide an effective and assertive defense against your specific charges.
Defense Tailored to Your Specific Charges
Our staff evaluates each client on a case by case basis, and can determine your individual needs based on your initial consultation. This consultation allows us to determine the type of representation you require, how best to approach your case, and how to find the best possible results.
We believe that as a defendant, you should know your rights and options before stepping into a courtroom. With that in mind, we work to clearly lay out your rights and options - so you can make decisions in your best interest.
Contact our office to schedule your free 30 minute consultation with an experienced criminal defense attorney today.