Defending Clients Against Serious Federal Criminal Charges
In this day and age, almost all business transactions involve the use of the postal system, the telephone system and/or the Internet. And under federal law, the use of any one of these in an alleged act of fraud may be enough to justify bringing criminal charges in federal court.
I am Thomas J. Hammond, a Denver mail and wire fraud attorney. I understand how intimidating it can be to be arrested or placed under investigation for fraud by the federal authorities, and I have the federal criminal defense experience to protect my clients' rights.
Understanding How Mail and Wire Fraud Charges Work
Under the U.S. Constitution, the federal government has the authority to regulate interstate commerce, which includes interstate communication systems such as the mail, phones and Internet. This is the basis for the mail and wire fraud sections of the U.S. criminal code.
Even if you are accused of defrauding someone in the same state as you, the use of an interstate communication system can land you in federal court. Mail and wire fraud charges are used to prosecute people accused of involvement in all types of fraud, including:
If you have been charged with mail or wire fraud, it is important to consult an experienced federal criminal defense lawyer. I have been practicing in the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado since 1992 and have defended many clients against mail and wire fraud charges.
Colorado Federal Criminal Defense Attorney · 303-872-5706
Based in Denver, I defend clients throughout Colorado against federal mail and wire fraud charges. If you have been charged or contacted by federal investigators, do not hesitate to contact my office at 303-872-5706 or by e-mail to schedule a free 30-minute consultation.